Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"What's wrong with you people??"

So my son now has his driver's license. Off he drives to run a personal errand, so I give him a list, "while you're out shopping....please buy some milk, bread, peanut butter and jam." How nice for me, that I won't have to go shopping after work.

Several hours son pulls the milk out of the fridge, "Whaaaaaat???" he exclaims to his sisters, "It's already half gone??? I just bought this milk at noon!!! What's wrong with you people?"

I can't help it - I smile. Oh, the satisfaction of hearing those words from someone else's mouth - someone else's mouth which was frequently drinking up all the milk I had just bought. I feel a wicked laugh coming on. Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha

1 comment:

Monique Shore said...

I am laughing with you - almost uncontrollably!!!!