Thursday, October 4, 2007

I am woman, hear me snore...zzzzzz

Remember how we wanted to have it all? The job, the man, the kids? I should have said "career", not job, but honestly, how many of us have actual careers? Aren't most of us just working to pay the bills?

A TV commercial from my teen years: sexy woman sauntering into the house, "I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never, never let you forget you're a man - I'm a woman, w-o-m-a-n." I remember thinking that was a pretty cool commercial. I was, what, 16? I didn't notice back then, that the woman was doing everything - I mean, the man couldn't even remember he was male for heaven's sake, the woman had to remind him. So, she worked all day, rushed to the bank to cash her check, went to the grocery store to buy the bacon, came home, immediately got to work in the kitchen, probably cleaned up after dinner, started a load of laundry and put out the garbage, helped with homework (while folding clothes), settled an argument, bathed the kids, walked the dog, then she had to put the moves on her man, while he did....what? Watched football?

Another item from my teen years: I am woman, hear me roar. (Sung by the ever nasal Helen Reddy. You'd think the song would have been sung by someone with a strong voice, but no, Helen Reddy, I am woman hear me whine?). Although it embarrasses me to admit it now, I liked that song. I actually got tears in my eyes listening to it. (now I'm really embarrassed, I'm cringing)
Here is the first verse & chorus:

I am woman, hear me roar

In numbers too big to ignore

And I know too much to go back and pretend

'cause I've heard it all before

And I've been down there on the floor

No one's ever gonna keep me down again


Oh yes I am wise

But it's wisdom born of pain

Yes, I've paid the price

But look how much I gained

If I have to, I can do anything

I am strong (strong)

I am invincible (invincible)

I am woman

Back in the 70s these lyrics made me feel proud - women had been pushed around for a long time, now women were standing up for themselves and each other, not backing down, trying to be taken seriously in business, politics, relationships, education, money. Not that I actually knew anything about that - I was a kid, I hadn't experienced much of anything, but it was inspiring anyway.

I am no longer a kid, and I'm no longer inspired by these lyrics, in fact, I can't even figure out what they mean. Pretend what? Wise about what? I paid what price, and gained what? And who was roaring? The woman's movement was and is divisive, not that it wasn't important or necessary, but if we were roaring, we were roaring at each other, not at men or the powers that be (men).

New lyrics for a new age:

I am woman, hear me snore

in numbers too big to ignore

and I know too much to go back and pretend

'cause I've heard it all before

now I'm staying on the floor

no one's gonna interrupt my nap again!


Hey! I need help

I can't do this by myself

Hey! Off your rear,

get your engine into gear.

I shouldn't have to do everything

I am pissed off (pissed off)

I am cynical (cynical)

I am Tired.

Yep. Back in the seventies we wanted it all, we were strong and invincible, whatever that means. Now, we're just tired. I just want to rest, okay? Take a nap, or have some peace and quiet to read a book. No interruptions for say, 60 minutes. Or three days, or a week. Now that would be empowering.


And guess what else - on the website where I found the lyrics for Helen Reddy's anthem to women’s power...there is a link to videos showing Carmen Electra stripping. “I am woman hear men roar, while I grind down to the floor....”

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